The Departed - Scorsese's Return to the Street
(Consider this the first post of phase II of 'The Great Director Debate'.)
It's that time again. Marty has another offering for us on Friday, and to me, Christmas comes early this year. As he gets older, I appreciate even more the movies he creates and I wonder how many more he's got in him.
Let's take a survey on how many of you are looking forward to 'The Departed', and maybe voice your opinion on his work over the last 5-10 years.
What's the soundtrack going to be like? How many Stones songs will there be? Will there be V. O.? Freeze frames? Intense graphic violence? If you've already seen it, don't answer. This is strictly speculation. In a week or two, we'll come back and see if our predictions were on, or way off.
It's that time again. Marty has another offering for us on Friday, and to me, Christmas comes early this year. As he gets older, I appreciate even more the movies he creates and I wonder how many more he's got in him.
Let's take a survey on how many of you are looking forward to 'The Departed', and maybe voice your opinion on his work over the last 5-10 years.
What's the soundtrack going to be like? How many Stones songs will there be? Will there be V. O.? Freeze frames? Intense graphic violence? If you've already seen it, don't answer. This is strictly speculation. In a week or two, we'll come back and see if our predictions were on, or way off.
Petey, looks like we're on the same page now that we're not fighting over Andersons.
My only reservation is that there are enough A-listers in this movie to start a celebrity softball team (with Leo as the catcher, of course. I'm kidding!).
For some reason, I have a hunch that 'Comfortably Numb' will be played as someone is having their eyeballs removed with salad tongs.
I have total faith in Scorsese as a filmmaker, as well as his editor Thelma Schoonmaker, and can't wait to see how this story plays out on the big screen.
I'll post back after I see it this weekend.
Saw it last night. Can't stop thinking about it. Pete, let me know when you've seen it so we can talk.
Whoa Petey. Focus, man! They'll be time for comic book movies later. Let's get back to 'The Departed' in the meantime.
Good post, Petey.
I have to say that I was struggling to keep Jack in context, especially with his wavering Boston accent.
But I was on the edge of my seat for most of the movie. I felt like anyone at any moment could be taken out, which did turn out to be the case, but lumped together in the end.
Marty did return to form with the voice-overs and the music. He even used 'Gimme Shelter' twice!! The second time, I was like "Whaa?". It didn't make sense.
Overall, this was one of the most memorable movies of '06, and I am looking forward to catching it (if I can) again before it goes to Blue-Ray:)
I do think that this film does deserve some attention from the academy, namely editing and screenplay. Oh yeah, Leo wasn't too shabby either.
Pete, thanks for helping keep the dream alive.
P.S.-Speaking of the editing, did you notice how loose the continuity was between shots? I'd bet money it was purposely done to keep us unsettled on a subconcious level. Either that, or Marty and Thelma are losing their shit.
Agreed. This Fall, rather, THIS WEEK, we're going to have some choices for a change!!
Pete, we will do a 'Marie Antoinette" post by the end of the week. Funny, my wife and I were just discussing Sofia's films about ten minutes ago.
Erin, great to have you back, you old dog.
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